Bike trailers

Bike trailers are GREAT!Ladder bike trailer carries green-house

They allow a cyclist to move large or heavy loads safely,
without damaging their bike, or their back.  So if another
cyclist means “one less car”  then a bike trailer can mean
one less van“.  Moving goods and people by bike means
less pollution, congestion and accidents in your town.
Getting out and about on your bike is good for your health
and getting used to moving goods by bike makes us more
resilient to changes in future energy supplies.

Here I share what I have learnt.  Please learn
from my mistakes, and my successes, and let
me know of cheaper, quicker, stronger and
cleverer ways to make bike-trailers.  Thanks.

Stig’s Bike Trailers

Ladder Bike Trailer

Bike Trailer Design & Use

Others’ Bike Trailers

…and coming soon:

The Bungee Hitch

One thought on “Bike trailers

  1. Pingback: Abundance Bike Trailer | shtiggy

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